JAKARTA - Working as an apprentice is very common if you are often assigned a lot of tasks to prepare yourself for the real world of work. Spending a lot of time, thought, and energy with modest pay is a consequence for apprentices.

But, if you do an internship at this one company you can guarantee that you will not be exhausted. You just have to sleep well and when the internship is over, you will be paid up to tens of millions! How, interested?

Is sleepjunkie.com, a trading platform that provides various kinds of mattresses in the United States which holds this unique internship program. On the front page of their website, sleepjunkie.com displays an announcement regarding the search for "workers" who are willing to test the three best mattresses on the platform. This is sleepjunkie.com's official mattress.

Sleepjunkie.com writes that an analysis of Google's search trends in the US shows that sleep topics and suggestions about mattresses are trending keywords until the end of 2020. They believe that the long pandemic of Covid-19 has also had a major impact on the quality of sleep for many people.

Therefore, to help those who have experienced sleep problems during the past year due to stress or daily activities, the platform wants to provide an in-depth review of the best mattresses.

In order to be perfectly reviewed, sleepjunkie.com then recruited “Sleeping Beauty” in its true sense. They are looking for people who want to be paid to sleep and test their homemade mattresses within two months.

"Sleeping Beauty will be our official mattress tester, providing honest advice on some of the top rated mattresses in the US," read the announcement.

Apart from sleeping, the lucky examiners were also tasked with providing a structured evaluation in the form of a report. It includes views on how the mattress affects sleep quality, mood, and comfort when using it.

After the assignment is complete, the examiner will be paid around 3 thousand United States (US) dollars or the equivalent of Rp. 42 million plus three previously tried mattresses for 1.5 thousand United States (US) dollars or Rp. 21 million.

To be accepted as an examiner in this program, participants must be a complete beginner in mattresses. This means that you have never participated in a mattress test program like this, for example. In addition, examiners must be prepared to have skills in writing, evaluating, and of course, really like sleeping.

Then, he has to sleep alone, to make sure the work he is doing is not interrupted. Then, the examiner is ensured to have enough space in his house and good enough access to drop off and pick up the mattress to be tested.

"This collection will be conducted under the health guidelines for Covid-19, and we recommend that you do not register if you have a vulnerability," the announcement added. Now, the selection process is in progress and those who are interested just fill out the application on the site.

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