JAKARTA - Beehave Pictures and MBK Productions released a quality film entitled Tears in Ujung Sajadah, starring senior actress Citra Cup winners Jenny Rahman, as well as well as well-known actresses and actors such as Fedi Nuril, Titi Kamal, Citra Kirana, Krisjiana Baharudin, Faqih Alaydrus, and Tutie Kirana.
Tears in Ujung Sajadah tells the story of Aqilla (Titi Kamal) who gives birth to a baby from a marriage that is not approved by Halimah, her mother. After Aqilla's husband died in an accident, Halimah deceived Aqilla that her baby died at birth.
Halimah was forced to lie because according to her Aqilla was not ready to become a mother, especially without her husband. Halimah then gave her grandson to a couple who had been married for a long time but had no children, namely Arif (Fedi Nuril) and Yumna (Citra Kirana).
The baby's name is Baskara, which means light. Baskara's presence at Arift and Yumna's family home is like a light that illuminates and brings happiness to the whole house. Seven years later, Aqila learned that her child was still alive. He departed from his empty life and tried to regain Baskara.
The film, directed by Key Mangunsong and produced by Ronny Irawan with actress Nafa Urbach, presents a conflict-packed drama between Aqil and Yumna which is the common thread of the film Tears at Ujung Sajadah which will air starting September 7 in theaters.
A month before its release, the film Tears at Ujung Sajadah officially released an official trailer and poster at Plaza Senayan XXI, South Jakarta, Friday, August 4. This event was also enlivened by Yuni Shara's appearance, who sang one of the soundtracks for the film titled Sepi.
Special for this film, Ronny also prepared another Dawai (Fadhilah Intan) soundtrack. Ronny Irawan as the Producer hopes that the film Tears at Ujung Sajadah can achieve public enthusiasm and sympathy, especially since there has been no Indonesian film for a long time taking on family topics that stir emotions.
This film scenario was written by Titien Watimena for up to five years, many stories were dismantled here and there until finally we were able to put together a story that was so beautiful and inspiring. Moreover, it is supported by the totality of all players' acting that deserves thumbs up," said Ronny Irawan.
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