YOGYAKARTA Personal life, according to actresses who have been in the entertainment world since the early 90s, Lulu Tobing, is more comfortable to close tightly. For Lulu, the personal choice of how a celebrity opens a private life to the public. However, for the winner of the first winner of the 1992 Cover Girl election, he chose to close a meeting in the private sphere of professionals. Take a peek at the portrait and story below.

Citing the social media Instagram verified account @lutob, Lulu embeds the caption on the portrait above. He wrote, 'Stay away... When you are humiliated.. Anyone who honors you, then honor him.. And whoever demeans you (insult you), then honor yourself by staying away from it'.

Of course, it is not without reason that Lulu embeds the words above. In a different situation, launching an interview with Melanie Ricardo, Lulu chose to close the personal realm of being accessed by the public for the sake of comfort. He added, "Basically we are not bad people, we are like that because for the convenience of our lives... We have to keep it high, stay sane, stay productive, keep working, but still be yourself, it's not bad".

In his explanation, Lulu thinks firmly of separating professional and personal lives. Although separate, Lulu is not afraid to lose her job because only her profession can be enjoyed by people and not change herself like people want to.

This famous Tersanjung film actor in the 90s, has no gap in exposing his personal life. In fact, he also doesn't like to follow gossip news and prefers to see recipes.

Lulu Tobing admits that she may not update the latest celebrity world news. He also never knew the figure of an artist who played in a new film project.

However, according to Lulu, he studied because he never followed the news. Because according to him, there is no need to read unnecessary news.

Therefore, Lulu Tobing prefers to watch food recipes instead of gossip news on social media. Lulu Tobing's favorite is also simple, namely cooking. He admitted that when he didn't work he always learned to cook and enjoy his own cooking.

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