JAKARTA - After clarifying the problems faced, Jeje Govinda and Syahnaz Sadiqah seemed to want to show the public that their household was still fine.

Through his Instagram account, Jeje Govinda and Syahnaz Sadiqah uploaded a photo together with their two children, the twins Zayn Sadavir Ezhilan Ismail and Zunaira Alessia Safaraz Ismail.

In the upload, Jeje and Syahnaz hugged their two children together. You can see a big smile from the look on the face of the small family.

In his uploaded statement, Jeje said that each household has its own problems. He also wants the problem not to become public consumption.

"In every household there must be ups and downs that take turns. We are the only ones who know how big the waves we are facing and let it be just a story of struggle in our old age," Jeje wrote in the caption, seen Tuesday, July 11.

"We are not perfect humans, and we choose to always share happiness, not imperfections. And hopefully it will continue like that," he continued.

Previously, Syahnaz Sadiqah stated that he had made mistakes that had hurt his family. He felt not grateful enough.

"I'm sorry, I must really regret what happened all of them. Maybe I wasn't able to appreciate it yesterday, I can't be grateful that I've been given a good family, given a really good husband," said Syahnaz Sadiqah, launching YouTube Jeje & Nanas Channel.

"Yes, there are no other words but regret, sorry and thank you," he continued.

The woman who is familiarly called Nanas expressed her gratitude to her husband who did not leave even though she had made a mistake. Syahnaz promised to be better in the future.

"Thank you for never leaving me. It's hard to be happy we're always together. Anyway, in the future I will learn to be a better wife and a better mother," concluded Syahnaz Sadiqah.

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