YOGYAKARTA An irrational or irrational mindset can obscure your perspective. As is the case when you've made the most detailed plans possible, but the facts don't match the planning. At that time irrational thoughts can keep you from feeling happy. A psychologist, Albert Ellis, Ph.D., proposes rational emotive behavioral therapy (Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy/REBT), which tries to keep a person away from irrational beliefs and replaces them with beliefs that can control how you respond to what happens.

The goal of developing rational thoughts is not to prevent anger, anxiety, or sadness. But put the feeling properly so that it can respond in the most representative way, explain the feelings as clearly as possible, and finally understand better.

Irrational beliefs make a person not see reality and the situation clearly. It also ignites the idea of fear of not having the power. Of course this is troubling, even making a person feel emotional outside of themselves. In turn, this irrational belief can trigger more irrational beliefs. When the following four irrational beliefs arise, you need to recognize them immediately and then deal with them appropriately.

This irrational belief is when one believes that they have to do something to achieve the results they want. This is related to the word'must' and'must', which requires rigidity and may establish strict rules for themselves.

Demanding is also manifested in the lack of choice. In this case, behavior will tend to please others, not our current feelings. With REBT, according to therapist Beth Lewis, LPC., reported by Well+Good, Monday, July 10, we have to change it. Instead of looking outside ourselves to seek security and comfort, it's better to feel safe and comfortable with the strengths you have.

Thinking of yourself as bad and the future is damaged by a failure, it can hinder the arrival of happiness. Failure is something you can't imagine, unless you make the best plans for success. But if you fail, avoid making a bad scenario because it will produce worse things. It's important to know, people who are quite tenuous and have resilience, are able to overcome difficulties.

Irrational beliefs of this type, involve self-destruction. This is detrimental and makes a person fail as a whole. For example, failing in a love relationship doesn't mean you're not talented in a relationship. Maybe just need to understand and learn to be better without denouncing yourself.

Do you often experience stressful situations? If so, how do you manage your mindset so that it is not shrouded in irrational thoughts. Apparently, both are related, mindset and stress management. If stress is not managed based on the right mindset, it often involves too much reaction to something. It can also result in the mind that you cannot overcome difficulties.

According to Lewis, one needs to improve the ability to deal with what makes them frustrated. This can be done by eliminating irrational mindset. It is important to understand, develop rational thinking and empower, leading to healthier emotional responses. Of course, one's happiness can increase.

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