JAKARTA - Under the banner of Falcon Pictures, Saturday with you are back in a serial format, which has been broadcast on the digital Prime Video platform since June 29, 2023.

The Saturday series with you was directed by Rako Prijanto and played by Vino G Bastian, Marsha Timothy, Rey Mbayang, Dinda Hauw, Adipati Dolken, and Enzy Storia. With the composition of players like this, it is interesting to see what will be presented in this series.

This series tells the story of the figure of Gunawan (Vino G. Bastian) who has a wife named Itje (Marsha Timothy), and two sons, Satya and Cakra. Their lives changed instantly when Gunawan was sentenced to cancer in his lungs and his life would not be long after.

Before he died, Gunawan made many video recordings containing messages for his two children to stay close to his father. After Gunawan passed away, Itje decided that his two children could meet his father once a week, every Saturday through a video that had been made by Gunawan before.

Slowly, Itje's life and his two children began to continue without his father. Satya (Adipati Dolken) and Cakra (Rey Mbayang), then grew up. Satya has a wife named Rissa (Enzy Storia), and two sons (Mikan and Miku). Satya works at an oil company in Balikpapan, while his wife works mobile and takes care of their two children.

Cakra is a researcher in Jakarta and is still single while looking for a new boyfriend. Itje, still runs his food stall business in Bandung. Until one day, Itje turned out to keep a secret that would not be revealed in front of his two children. However, in the end the mother told the two children the secret.

Even though it's sad, the mother convinces her two children not to worry too much. Cakra then finds the mate she wants and proposes to her. The older brother told her that there was still the last video that his sister had to see before getting married.

The story of Saturday with you is very touching on our deepest side. The story is simple, but it is packaged very differently from the film version which tends to be linear. Due to the change in format to be a series, this narrative can be adapted more flexibly by including flashback scenes that have a longer span of years.

The number of flashback scenes in the 80s made scene settings planned so as not to deviate too much from the predetermined background. In Saturday with you, everything was carefully planned, starting from the paper used, factory settings, hospital settings, used vehicles, to the wardrobes used.

Vino managed to make the audience sympathize with Wawan, as well as feel the sadness and happiness experienced by the character. Plus, every interaction of Vino with other characters also looks smooth and each of them finds his chemistry. It seems difficult not to know Wawan's life story in his youth and when he was a father.

Other actors have also managed to play their respective characters very well, including the actress who plays Wawan's mother. Then, the young version of Wawan is said to have friends from two high school students, both of whom provide the right comedy element for the series.

Another thing that allows viewers to easily distinguish the forward flow and the backward flow of this series are the visuals. So the first two episodes of Saturday with you show two different visual styles for stories set in the past and the present.

When the scene is set in the past, the visuals come with a warm tone of color dominated by a yellow tone, so the old feel is even more pronounced. When the scene is set in today's history, the visuals come with cold tones dominated by blue tones, so the scene looks fresher. The decision to distinguish visuals of the past and present can be said to be quite appropriate for the series.

Saturday with you presents a story that is both heartwarming and touching, this series presents a family-themed story that of course relates to anyone.

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