JAKARTA - Film directed by Shalahuddin Siregar, Pesantren was again presented at a roadshow organized by Online Cinema with Patjarmerah and the Sugar Flower community in Ndalem Djjokoesoeman, Solo on Friday, July 7 yesterday.

Not only watching together, the roadshow also held discussions with several resource persons, including Diding Abdul Qodir (Pesantren film player), Hanna Humaira (Online Cinema producer), Bagus Sigit Setiawan (Surakartan Santri writer) and Mohammad Ali Ma'ruf (videographer). The discussion, which is moderated by Kalis Mardiasih, discusses the interesting side of life in Islamic boarding schools, which is not widely known.

Bagus Sigit Setiawan and Mohammad Ali Ma'ruf agreed that what is shown in the Islamic Boarding School film is something different, namely the picture of life as it is in Islamic boarding schools.

This film provides something different, one of the interesting sides because this film presents life at Pondok Kebon Jambu Al-Islamy Cirebon which is led by a woman, namely Nyai Hj. Masriyah Amva. This film can also not only be enjoyed by Muslims, but can also be enjoyed by religious people outside of Islam. Because there are many interesting values in it," said Bagus Sigit Setiawan in a written release received by VOI.

The shooting of this film really tells about life as it is, but is also full of meaning which certainly inspires the audience, both spectators who already know about the teachings that students get or even for ordinary people about life in Islamic boarding schools, said Mohammad Ali Ma'ruf.

Kalis Murdiasih, who has his own story with Pondok Kebon Jambu Al-Islamy Cirebon, also expressed his appreciation when the story from Nyai Hj. Masriyah Amva was appointed to film works.

"Daya was very happy when finally the Islamic Boarding School film was appointed as a documentary film and could be enjoyed by many people. The Kebon Jambu Islamic Boarding School became my most comfortable place to stop. I have loved the Jambu Kebon Islamic Boarding School from 2017," said Kalis.

Hanna Humaira, who is well aware that the film Pesantren is a work that deserves to be witnessed by many, said that the views in this film deserve to be studied.

This film does present something different. One of them presents a point of view about the teaching of tolerance, gender equality and it is revealed that life in the hut is soothing. Because of these interesting things, Online Cinemas show this film," said Hanna Humaira.

Meanwhile, Diding Abdul Qodir as one of the players in the film Pesantren, shared valuable stories about his experience during filming and the role he played.

"Hopefully this documentary can provide new experiences and views about students. Through the stories conveyed by the audience, you will know that students are not just studying religious knowledge and recitation," he said.

Previously, the Islamic Boarding School film made a number of achievements, including the XXI Asianica Film Festival 2020 competition and was selected at the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA) 2019. This film has also been shown at the Madani International Film Festival and was broadcast at The University of British Columbia in March 2022. Islamic Boarding School films can be watched by Online Cinemas until July 23.

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