JAKARTA - Rintangan is always in a romantic relationship. What determines whether a relationship can survive is how couples find solutions to solving these obstacles. One of the problems that are often faced is the lack of emotional support.
Lack of emotional support doesn't have to end the relationship. Although building emotional intimacy is not an easy thing, it can be done. You can try it yourself using the steps suggested by wedding experts to increase emotional support, launches Marriage, Wednesday, May 17.
Share your thoughts about everything you value from your partner. This method definitely makes your partner feel appreciated and considered. The bonus, he will change the perspective on you and renew your emotional relationship.
When you first date, you and your partner will certainly praise each other. Unfortunately, this habit will decrease over time. Send an unexpected text message containing something you and your partner like.
Increasing the age of marriage, couples will find it increasingly difficult to spend time together to just relax. Remember, relaxing time is important because it gives space not to do anything other than being with your partner and reconnecting emotionally and physically.
When they show the new notebook they want to get, a certain headphone brand or ticket for the upcoming concert, take note. Spend money to buy the couple's wish. This will be a meaningful gift and as a sign you care about your partner.
If you want your partner to share more and make you a place to share times of joy and sorrow, make sure to speak wisely. When you hear him speak, repeat in your own words to make sure you understand well. Listening carefully to your partner can help you understand how they view the world better.
If you're wondering how to provide emotional support, remember that most of the intimate feelings and emotional support come through non-verbal communication. Hug, kiss, and hold hands to often have physical contact with your partner.
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