YOGYAKARTA Peeing while having sex, may interfere with intimate sessions with your partner. Although it's a bit annoying, this is how the body gives a certain signal about what happened.

It's important to know, sometimes the sensation of wanting to urinate also shows that you will have an orgasm accompanied by ejaculation. But other times it can also mark a problem in the bladder. So, how to distinguish the two situations? Here, experts explain in detail the causes of urination when having sex.

When orgasm, women and men remove fluids from their reproductive devices. The sensation at this peak seems to want to urinate, according to Adrianne Ton, certified nurse practitioners and directors of clinical operations at TBD Health. This is a normal condition for women who may experience urinating during sex. However, the condition of orgasm and ejaculation, which comes out, is not in the form of urine.

According to the National Institutes of Health, nearly a quarter of United States women experience pelvic floor disorders that cause incontinence. This condition makes bladder control weaken and easy to escape. But someone with incontinence may not only occur during sex. Icontinence is experienced all the time when there is pressure on the pelvic floor, such as when coughing, sneezing, or laughing.

According to certified pelvis rehabilitation practitioners, warehousing Gronski, PT., incontinence during penetration is most often associated with stress urine incontinence (Stress Urinary Incontinence/SUI). SUI is often triggered by weakening of the pelvic floor muscles.

Gronski suggested that it is easiest to overcome incontinence during penetration is with Kegel exercises. This exercise strengthens the pelvic floor muscles so as to minimize urination, especially during sex. But it is also important to be examined and diagnosed by professionals first in order to get the most appropriate recommendations.

Gronski explained that the form of incontinence experienced during orgasm is quite rare compared to incontinence during penetration. Usually it is because the bladder is too active so it is difficult to distinguish between orgasm and lagging.

Women experience incontinence, while the climaturia is experienced by men. Climactics is urinating during ejaculation and may be a symptom of prostate disorders, such as prostateectomi.

During prostateektomi, internal uretra sfingter, located at the bladder's neck, is removed. Internal uretra sfingter and external uretra sfingter are located at the peak of the prostate, tightly in controlling the urine, "explained Gronski.

This condition can be triggered by taking drugs that are used to treat symptoms of prostate enlargement and high blood pressure that can relax the prostate and bladder muscles. The effect will be the same as men who experience climatics.

Gronski suggested a number of ways to deal with urinations during sex. Such as urinating a few times having sex, using a penis ring, practicing pelvic floor muscles or kegel, wearing condoms during sex, and doing medical actions by a professional doctor.

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