YOGYAKARTA In relationships, not only words of love are spoken. Sometimes they give each other input, criticize, and even remind each other. This is also what sometimes triggers arguments against a partner. So do bad arguments often differ for relationships? Do the arguments of the two couples have to be the same?
Different face arguments because everyone has different thoughts and backgrounds. Communication skills are needed to exchange arguments and arguments, not only bad. Precisely because exchanging ideas, can build each other up.
Not exchanging arguments and not arguing, it indicates not communicating. As long as differences of opinion do not involve screaming, netting or piling up hatred, it means you communicate in a clear and concise way. For example, something simple about a dinner venue may not need to disappoint your partner but can see both sides.
When someone stops trying to explain the side of themselves, they stop trying to tell other people about their needs and this marks problems in the relationship. Launching Yourtango, Sunday, May 7, if the silence suddenly makes your partner think really well, not necessarily no problem is invisible.
Not only marking the buried problems, it doesn't argue that it means a sign that your partner has given up. Because they know you won't listen to them, they stop talking.
Communication doesn't just talk about happy things. Problems also need to be communicated to find a solution together. In fact, your partner stops trying to argue with you is a couple who has planned a way out. They withdraw because they don't give them the opportunity to feel disappointed, controlled, and rejected. In other words, not arguing or arguing means withdrawing emotionally so they can gain the power to leave, shut up, and one of the signs that there is a problem in a couple relationship.
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