Hello Ghost is the third film from South Korea adapted by Falcon Pictures production house in the last two years. Directed by Indra Gunawan, this film stars Onadio Leonardo, Enzy Storia, Indro Warkop, Tora Sudiro, Hesti Purwadinata and Ciara Brosnan

In the gala premiere which took place on Friday, May 5, Danny Lee, producer from the South Korean version of Hello Ghost was present and witnessed the results of the film produced by Frederica.

He saw the adaptation results of the film he produced gave the same strong feel as the original version. Danny jiga praised the entire team that had worked, especially the cast.

"It's very impressive. The story is very touching, just like the original film. You guys do a very extraordinary job," Danny Lee said during a press conference in Thamrin, Central Jakarta, Friday, May 5.

Although there are some differences between the adaptation version and the original version, Danny sees that the important points in the film where raising family values are maintained very well. He also congratulated the actors who were considered successful.

"I think the story is written well and the acting of the actors is also good. There seems to be very good cooperation where we can see the results. I congratulate you," Danny said.

Director Indra Gunawan also expressed his happiness with the selection of existing players. With the chemistry of the players on set, he felt helped to direct each actor to play their respective characters.

"Alhamdulillah, they can play the character well," concluded Indra Gunawan.

Hello Ghost tells the story of a young man named Kresna (Onadio Leonardo) who finds it difficult to live his life. He also tried several times to end his life by committing suicide, but always failed.

After several suicide attempts, Kresna began to experience strange things. He can see and communicate with four ghost figures (Indro Warkop, Tora Sudiro, Hesti Purwadinata and Ciara Brosnan). Instantly his lonely life was filled with the jokes of the ghosts.

Not only that, but Kresna also began to get to know and be close to Linda (Enzy Storia), a nurse who took care of her after an attempted suicide, who also lives in the same flat complex.

Hello Ghost will premiere simultaneously in all Indonesian cinemas on May 11.

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