YOGYAKARTA Not everyone who needs to be heard needs advice. It's also not appropriate to always be amazed if younger adults need to be listened to. Therefore, listening without telling what to do is often a challenge. So it is necessary to practice listening actively without giving your opinion. Here's how to be a good listener without stating what to do and understanding what others are going through.

A person may experience events that are vulnerable and need to be heard. But you should ask first before acting. Sometimes, someone wants ears to listen. But if you don't ask for advice, it's better to hold it back but still be a good listener.

If you listen to understand rather than respond, then it is necessary to practice listening actively. Research in 2022 reported by PsychCentral, Sunday, April 30, suggests becoming a good listener with a focus on the speaker, listening to what the speaker said, use your own words to parate what you and them are doing, ask questions for clarification, avoid judgment, avoid making assumptions, and don't formulate responses until all messages are heard.

If someone is in a vulnerable condition, they need validation of their feelings. By validating someone's feelings, it shows that you understand what they are communicating. Examples of sentences containing validation like I think you handle the situation well, I'm proud of you.

When someone is in a vulnerable situation, issuing lots of ideas and suggestions is tempting. If you give the person advice too quickly or tell him what you're going to do, it might make them feel insecure to reveal his message.

That is, avoid judging what the person says and offer support rather than advice. If you embarrass someone for expressing their emotions, they will most likely not believe or talk to you anymore.

Welas issih helps improve your relationship and welfare as a whole. Researchers argue that there is no universal definition of compassion. On the other hand, compassion consists of several parts.

According to the researchers, the parts of compassion include: the introduction of suffering, the recognition that suffering occurs universally, showing concern for those who suffer and practice empathy, stabilizing oneself when listening to stories about the sufferings of others, and acting to help ease suffering. compassion can also be applied to listen without advice. This shows that you care.

Taking place is about putting yourself in someone else's position rather than feeling sorry for that person. When you really understand what a situation is like for someone, it will be easier to provide support. Listen actively and reflect your feelings on the person you listen to can help you train empathy.

In addition to the six ways to be a good listener without defaming above, in addition, you can share stories that may be very helpful. But it needs to be packaged as a story instead of giving curtuous advice.

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