Preparation For Creating A Vertical Garden At Home
Vertical garden (Raffaella Faverzani-Pixabay)

JAKARTA - Vertical garden can be a solution for those of you who want to garden and collect plants, but with limited land. This green garden which is arranged perpendicularly is perfect for a mini house or apartment.

Without having to sacrifice another room to become a garden, you only need a wall to become a planting medium. Can be indoor or outdoor.

There are two types of vertical garden systems to choose from, namely green facades and living walls.

Green facades are walls covered with vines. This system is somewhat easier to maintain because you only need to trim any plants that disturb the view.

For a living wall, it is a planting media frame that is attached to the wall, it can also have a support. The frame is usually made for hanging pots or planting panels, irrigation, and even periodic fertilization. This system is suitable for a wide variety of plants, and not vines.

It is also important from the beginning to choose a garden theme that is tailored to the home design. You can choose a theme like classic, traditional, tropical, or modern. This can make it easier for you to choose the type of plant later.

There are several types of plants suitable for decorating your vertical garden. Some of these include the Paris lily, ivory betel, deer antler, bridal tears, tillandsia, begonia, hosta, orchids and mountain ferns.

After that, choose a suitable wall area for a garden. We recommend that you choose a wall that is exposed to enough sunlight so that the plant can grow well.

Don't forget to choose a wall that is indeed strong to support the plants. The strength of the walls is also important because they will be punched, nailed, and frames for plants in the future.

Also think about drainage to regulate and absorb excess water so it doesn't become a puddle. Vertical gardens certainly need a good drainage system so that plants can thrive and be healthy.

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