JAKARTA - Nursyah, Indah Permatasari's mother is still a concern. Her striking comments about her daughter-in-law, Arie Kriting, are often voiced publicly. Nursyah did not even hesitate to think that Arie was her arch-enemy.

Not only netizens, several public figures seem to be confused by Nursyah's attitude. Apart from not agreeing, he also compared Arie Kriting with his son and other sons-in-law.

Kalina Oktarani also commented on one of the posts. According to him, a mother should accept her child's choice rather than continue to vilify her son-in-law in public.

"This is my second time commenting about mother.. I will not vilify mother, because I am aware that I have not become a good human being.. But, I am very aware.. I am also a mother, from a son.. You wish me to be the mother of the boys who you call above as the enemy of the mother, I will definitely be sad... "wrote Kalina Oktarani.

"I really free my child to hang out and walk with anyone later in life, as long as it can take him to a good path and can make my child happy, why don't we as mothers allow and wish him the best for our children, ma'am?" continued Kalina.

Vicky Prasetyo's ex-wife reminded Nursyah's statement that she could hurt many parties, including her own biological child who chose to lose her mother over the man she loves.

"It's not because the mother's child is a disobedient child, but can mothers guarantee that if the mother's child is married to the mother's blessing, her life will be comfortable and happy?" continued Kalina Oktarani.

"I'm not a human being who can provide input or advice... If I know IG, I want you to tag me... But I can only pray that behind all the words of mothers who look happy by vilifying other people. Hopefully it is true happiness, it's not just temporary happiness when the mother's cellphone camera is on to record all the words of mother..." he said again.

Ending his comments, Kalina also reminded that March 7 was Nisfu Syaban's night so that he could forgive each other.

"Hopefully we as human beings forgive our mistakes.. Because of me, and netizens here are my friends.. Stay healthy mother, hopefully the mother's door will be opened as wide as she can to love the mother's daughter a little.. Amen amen Allahumma Amen," he said.

Apart from Kalina, director Upi Avianto also wrote comments. They questioned Arie Kriting's parents' feelings of seeing their children continue to be targets of hatred.

Mother, Arie Kriting is also a child who has parents. How does Arie's parents feel seeing their child being vilified continue in the media? " wrote Upi.

These two comments drew a positive response from the public. This follows Nursyah who responded when Arie shared the news of her new home. Nursyah even stated that Arie was her arch-enemy.

"I'm just the arch-enemy of Kriting, I deliberately said that. My enemy is criticism, if you want to be angry, come on, I'm not afraid," said Nursyah.

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