9 Strategies That Couples Use To Cover Infidelity, So They Don't Know
Illustration (Cottonbro/Pexels)

JAKARTA - Infidelity in a romantic relationship is very common. Some people make impure behavior to get out of a relationship that they no longer enjoy. They hope that the others are fed up and can't stand and end their relationship.

On the other hand, there are people who try to hide their infidelity because they don't want to lose their main partner. They are afraid of losing their main relationship so they don't hesitate to give extra efforts so they don't get caught.

Everyone has a different creative side in terms of hiding infidelity. However, research conducted by Apostolou, as reported by Psychology Today, Wednesday, March 8, identified that there are at least nine strategies for couples to cover up infidelity. Anything? Let's look below.

The trick that a person does the most so that his forbidden relationship is not exposed is to be careful when communicating or meeting. He and his mistress deliberately limit access to communication so that they are not easily caught.

In today's world of technology, text messages or photos containing evidence of infidelity can be easily read on uncoded phones or inboxes of messages left open. People who wish to keep their affair a secret will eliminate all evidence. This makes it difficult for the main couple to make accusations based on the discovery of the evidence.

Behavioral changes made by people having an affair can raise suspicion. Therefore, he tried not to change his behavior as much as possible when interacting with the main partner. He tries to maintain the dynamics of communication with his partner in order to dispel suspicion.

In addition to maintaining the same attitude, communication, and behavior as the main partner, the cheating party will also maintain the same daily routine. Changes in appearances such as cuts and new hair models can raise suspicions. It is the same if he makes countless new expenses. Smart lies will maintain their daily habits and remain consistent in order to cover up infidelity.

In particular, it is not uncommon for couples to cheat on their friends as a trusted alibi or reason. For example, when he comes home late at night, usually he will reason out with his friend, even though he just met his mistress.

Currently, evidence of infidelity is easy to obtain through a phone call or text message list. If your partner suddenly installs passwords on all of its electronic devices for no reasonable reason, then it could be that he is hiding something. Not only that, if he secretly changes his social media password, then this action needs to be suspected.

In order to cover up the affair, he will not question how loyal his main partner is to him. Because, he knew the same thing would also be asked him. He was never curious about how much love the main partner felt because his own love had turned to other people.

One of the alleged ways to distract the main partner from being suspicious is to shower him with interest, love, and attention. Getting warmer and better, for example, is the strategy to cover up infidelity.

Another technological approach in hiding infidelity is creating a new account that the main partner does not know. This helps maintain communication with her affair so that your partner doesn't know about it.

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