JAKARTA - The film Friends of Sleep will premiere at the same time as National Film Day, March 30, 2023. This film stars Mutiara Sofya, Givina Lukita Dewi and Baskara Mahendra, this film also stars a row of well-known actors and actresses such as Meriam Bellina, Gunawan, Rafael Tan, Khan Teux, Deanda Putri, Abun Sungkar, and several other names.

The film, which is written by Bekas Antariksa and Gea Rexy, not only presents drama stories but also talks about bullying, mental health, the bad effects of social media. The soundtrack for this film was sung by Monita Tahalea and created by Sri Hanuraga as well as music organizer for the film Teman Sleep with Thoersi Argeswara.

Here are 3 reasons to watch the film Friends Sleep.

1. Against the Suspension of Dino Izaak, Executive Producer of Teman Tidik said schools become a fertile ground for bullying that is often ignored and films become a medium for delivering messages that is very good and effective regarding the bad effects of bullying.

"So this film not only describes the good times of teenagers at school which are full of romance or pleasure, but also talks about bullying, mental health, the bad effects of social media and how we should respond to it," said Dino.

2. Drama thriller Producer Teman Tidur Setyoro Swantomo added that his production house this time wants to show quality works that are very relevant and close to everyday life. The hope is that people are enthusiastic to get to know more about mental health issues and bullying which is not a trivial problem, moreover, this theme is wrapped in an interesting and quite liked thriller film genre.

3. Learning Parenting Ray Nayoan as the director said that his film can provide important experiences and lessons to spectators, both teenagers and parents who have children at school.

"This sleeping friend film presents a new audio visual experience through diving towards friendship characters at school and also how gadgets, social media can be dangerous if they are not used wisely," said Ray.

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