JAKARTA - Reports on alleged acts of Domestic Violence (KDRT) committed by Rizal Djibran continue with further examination of Sarah and witnesses by Polda Metro Jaya investigators.

Sarah, accompanied by her attorney, Tris Hariyanto, visited the Polda Metro Jaya again on Tuesday, February 21, 2023. "So today my client, Sarah, and her witnesses have been examined by Polda Metro Jaya investigators. There are about 25 questions from 2 pm this until now (18.00 WIB)," said Tris Hariyanto after accompanying his client to undergo an examination.

As for the things that investigators asked regarding the domestic violence problem itself, what was the initial thing, chronology, facts and evidence. For his own evidence, Sarah submitted a medical statement from the hospital regarding the injuries to his body, which investigators would later confirm to the hospital.

Tris explained how his client was injured by Rizal Djjibran, who he claimed started with Sarah's refusal to attend her husband's sexual deviation.

The stabs came from a bare hand blow. Because this RD foreigner asked for sexual relations with my client to deviate, because my client's refusal finally led to allegations of domestic physical violence, which resulted in bruises on his hands and feet," said Tris.

The oengkali hopes that the client's husband will receive the appropriate punishment. "My client hopes that RD will be punished as much as possible according to the applicable rules," he hoped.

For information, reports on acts of domestic violence and sexual violence committed by Rizal Djjibran are registered in the number LP/B/802/II/2023/SPKT/POLDA METRO JAYA.

In this case Rizal Djibran was reported under Article 5 Letter A in conjunction with Article 43 Paragraph (1) and or Article 8 Letter A in conjunction with Article 46 of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 2004 concerning PKDRT.

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