Getting To Know Sensual Massage In Tantra Practices, Here's How And Engineering
Psychological massage illustration to increase the pleasure of making love (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA Psychic massage in tantra practice is called Yoni massage. The goal is to create intimate relationships between humans. Someone can also practice this sensual massage to get to know their bodies.

Many people think that tantra is synonymous with tantra sex. Even though sex is one aspect of tantra, reported by Medical News Today, Monday, February 20. According to Sanskrit and practiced in ancient India to date, Yoni is a term of vulva or vagina. Roughly translated as a goa holy' or holy space'.

Yoni massage, in addition to creating intimate relationships between humans, also helps people feel more comfortable with themselves. The trick is to explore and develop its relationship with his own body. In yoga tantra, for example, Yoni massage increases sexual pleasure.

Some tantra practitioners believe that practicing this massage can help a person cope with sexual trauma because it helps control his sexuality and learn what they like. But it's important to understand that Yoni massage has no medical benefits.

While some people may have had an orgasm due to Yoni massage. Some also found that it leads to multiple orgasms. It should be understood that everyone has their own preferences. And the benefits of Yoni massage entirely depend on individuals.

Massage Yoni, is generally safe as long as it is done safely and hygienically. Before doing so, someone needs to do the thing below:

A tool commonly used for Yoni massage, made from jade or crystal. It's actually not safe to put in the vagina. In addition, some massage oil and jiga lubricant contain perfume that is also not good or irritates vulva and vagina.

Practitioners say that preparation is key before massage. One must try to prepare your mind, body, and space. You and your partner can use a bed or floor. You can also add pillows and blankets to make them more comfortable. Plus, adjust the atmosphere with yellow lighting and not too bright. You can also add fragrance to the room.

The second way is to prepare a comfortable mind and position. You or your partner can lie comfortable in the bed, floor or other chosen room. Place the pillow under your head and one more under your back. Place your legs gently but strongly stepping on the ground, your knees bent, and both legs open.

Third, warm up by adjusting your breath. Keep your focus on breathing and exhaling your breath. Next, give a sensual touch to warm up in certain areas, such as breasts, isola, stomach, upper legs, and inner thighs. Determine to the vulva but make sure to use lubricant products that do not irritate the skin.

For beginners, massage techniques are slowly and listening to what the body says is important to pay attention to. Touch the clitoris area gently, release it, and repeat by touching the internal and external labia that feels comfortable. Small rhythmic movements can also be done, such as by rotating, rolling, and stabbing movements. With your partner, you can take the lotus position and adjust your breath together.

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