JAKARTA - Try to understand a person's feelings. When he himself does not express his feelings and opinions, it can be quite difficult. For this reason, the concept of reading body language is needed. The human body is actually very expressive. Even the slightest movement done in the underground world can mean something.

A person can understand the intricacies of other people's behavior by observing a person's body language carefully. Here are some ways to understand a person's body language, according to the Times of India, Wednesday, February 8.

When a person smiles and looks wrinkled in the corner of his eye, it means he is really smiling. He may be attracted to you or appreciate your presence around him. Sincere smile is a sign of a happy person.

This shows that someone opposes your idea or presence. The arm that is crossed is a sign that someone refuses to open up to you and shut up. He may not want to interact with you or accept your idea.

When someone or imitates your actions, it's a good thing. This means that the person is really interested in what you say and might admire you. Generally, when someone does this he sees you as an idol.

This shows that the person is uncomfortable, worried, and disappointed with you. Sometimes, lifting eyebrows is a sign that the person is feeling insecure. If someone praises his style, and if that person lifts his eyebrows, it means he doesn't believe that other people really praise him.

Playing fingers or hands is a sign that the person is bored or restless. It can also indicate that the person is facing discomfort. If the hands and feet are placed quietly on the lap or next to them, it means he feels relaxed and comfortable.

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