JAKARTA - Fuji, who is known as Vanessa Angel's sister-in-law, admits that he doesn't want to be an artist. Even though he is now famous, he chose to be known as an influencer or content creator.

Fuji explained that he gave up acting in films since his acting debut received criticism and blasphemy. This he revealed to Axel Matthew Thomas in Axel's broadcast program.

"I was afraid of being blasphemed. Because when I played the first film, I was very blasphemed," Fuji told Axel Matthew.

Fuji feels that his acting is not qualified enough to be shown in public. He felt his acting was so bad that he continued to get blasphemy from netizens.

"Because I think my acting is bad. But I don't know," added Fuji.

Because of this blasphemy, Fuji rejected many offers for acting in series or films. It traumatized him to return to acting.

"Get traumatized, be honest. There are many offers from films and series that I reject all of them. I'll see you first. Can it be next year?," said Fuji.

"Because the mentality is not ready yet. Because at that time it was trending, yes, three months, but every day it was said continuously," he explained.

Fuji also saw several comments calling himself aji while going to acting because of Vanessa Angel. It was this annoyance that made him not want to play a film for a while.

"At that time, there was a lot of blasphemy, criticism, and slander that said this was an artist because his brother died. There I was annoyed," said Fuji.

In 2022, Fuji made his acting debut through the film Not Cinderella. His role as the main character became the public spotlight and drew criticism for his poor acting.

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