JAKARTA - The Hidayah film produced by Pichouse Films, is ready to be shown in theaters on January 12. The horror genre, directed by Monty Tiwa, is adapted from a TV series based on social and religious issues raised through Hidayah magazine.

With a title that has a deep meaning, Monty Tiwa is honored to be given the opportunity to direct it. "When given the trust to all of us to be lifted to the big screen, of course, we have a level of responsibility that we must fulfill and observe very carefully," said Monty Tiwa when met in Setiabudi area, South Jakarta on Thursday, January 5.

Monty considered that the title Hidayah itself already has an image that is very attached to the eyes of the audience. "Of course we are very happy to be given another trust by MD Pictures for a title that seems to everyone knows from Sabang to Merauke. No one has ever known Hidayah in the form of a show that was very famous at that time on TV, "he said.

Carrying a message via horror film, Monty worked on this project with great care. He hopes Hidayah can also be entertainment for the audience, both horror film lovers and not.

The film Hidayah stars various actors, ranging from young actors to those who are already experienced. They are Ajil Ditto, Givina Lukita, Alif Joerg, Unique Priscilla, Khiva Iskak, Dewi Yuli, Joshua Pandemaki and many others.

This film tells the story of Bahri's life journey (Ajil Ditto) who wants to bury his past and return to life in a village called Mekarwangi.

In the village, Bahri found many irregularities, and he felt responsible for facing problems in Mekarwangi village.

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