JAKARTA - The vocalist of the band Ungu who is also the former Deputy Mayor of Palu, Sigit Purnomo or Pasha celebrates his 43rd birthday on 27 November.

At that moment, Pasha received congratulations from her first child as a result of her marriage to Okie Agustina, Kiesha Alvaro. Through his Instagram account, Kiesha uploaded a photo of her father and wished him a happy birthday.

"Happy Birthday for Mr. Boss Besar, long life, father, always healthy, the sustenance is launched," wrote Kiesha Alvaro, as quoted from his upload caption, Tuesday, November 29.

Then, at the end of his caption, Kiesha wrote something that was in the spotlight of netizens. "Pasha 2024," he continued.

The upload of Kiesha was also responded to by Pasha who commented. Amen. Thank you dear family pride. My parents and my father Adel, Mother and Papa Gun as well as your brothers and sisters and family all always pray for Ica's sister to be healthy and successful in the career that is being carried out," replied Pasha.

At the end of his comments, it seemed like responding to the 'Pasha 2024', Pasha Pasha agreed with her child's statement. "Be it," said Pasha.

The congratulations from Kiesha and Pasha's comments were also highlighted by netizens, who questioned whether 2024 is a code. How many are there, code. 2024," said the account @fitrihapsari87.

Other netizens also commented on the interaction between the father and son. Dirgahayu Ketum, Amen Chair of the DPR RI electoral district in Jakarta 3, said the account @yoshuampoebolon.

For information, some time ago the relationship between Pasha and Kiesha was reportedly not good, after Kiesha revealed to the public that the divorce of her parents caused her to work for a living since childhood.

However, after clarifying, Kiesha said that what she said was not meant to corner her father. Pasha also said that her relationship with her child is currently in good condition.

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