JAKARTA - The Sabang Merauke performance will be held again in Ciputra Artpreneur, Jakarta, on Saturday - Sunday, 12-13 November 2022. This is the third live performance after previously being held at Prambanan Temple and Djakarta Theater.

Unlike films that are the same shape and have not changed, the Sabang Merauke performance has changed from each appearance. The first appeared in person at the Prambanan Temple, Yogyakarta on March 26, 2022.

The performance felt grand because it was held with the background of Prambanan's beautiful temple. However, the audience was limited because the distance restrictions were very tight.

June 2022, the show was brought to Jakarta with a limited audience. Visually the temple was then modified with a big screen. The number of dancers is injected, however, the charm of Indonesian beauty is explained through songs, dances, wastra, and also the language is not the slightest reduced.

The Sabang Merauke performance presents 21 regional songs and one national song which is combined harmoniously. To make that happen, the performance involved five national singers, 46 traditional and modern musicians, and 135 professional dancers.

Regional songs sung by medley combined with dances and clothing specially designed with the wealth of cloth from the same direction. Watching this show for one hour seemed to invite the audience to surround Indonesia from the west end to the east end in a row.

All the teams involved were able to summarize the beauty of Indonesian culture. Indonesia has thousands of different tribes and languages spread across more than 17 thousand islands from Sabang to Merauke. With a geographical area of 1,811,570 km2, Indonesia also has a vast and noble wealth of art and culture.

The third show that will be held this time is a refinement of the previous stage. The number of dancers added, Wastra's appearance also changed, as well as the composition of the singers. As Music Director, Kikan Namara added

Watching the Sabang Merauke show is like returning to a big house called Indonesia. The emenasan involved six national singers, namely Kikan Namara as music director and lead vocal, Mirabeth Sonia, Christine Tambunan, Taufan Purbo, Alsant Nababan and musician of the younger generation Swain Mahisa.

The music sector is also increasingly charming with the presence of Batavia Madrigal Singers, and 46 traditional and modern musicians. Meanwhile, regional ethnic nuances will be felt even more thanks to Kidung & team in the traditional music arrangement and support from Ava Victoria & Team Orchestra.

Watching again at the Sabang Merauke show did not give a pause to get bored, in fact, he was even more curious and increased love for the country. This was also acknowledged by the President Director iwield and Protelindo Group Aming Santoso.

"I've watched dozens of times from training, dirty rehearsals, dress rehearsals, to this third stage. It turns out that there is no boredom. It feels even more amazed and proud. I hope this can be a spectacle for young people to recognize the nation's culture," said Aming Friday, November 11.

Pentas ketiga ini ditujukan untuk memperingati Hari Pahlawan dan terbuka untuk umum. Penjualan tiket akan dikembalikan pada masyarakat dalam bentuk donasi. Semangat berbagi membangun negara mengikuti contoh Pahlawan.

In the past, the youth and heroes of the nation fought to defend Indonesia. Now, it is our duty to care for independence and also the legacy of the ancestors of the nation. The holding of the Sabang Merauke performance is a real invitation for the community, especially young people, to love the splendor of the nation's ancestral works again," continued Aming.

BCA Director Antonius Widodo Mulyono said that the Sabang Merauke performance is expected to become a social movement that encourages people, especially the younger generation, to love the nation's cultural heritage more. So, in the future the younger generation will be increasingly proud of the local wisdom and culture of the Indonesian nation.

Not only is it a means to make people love the nation's cultural heritage more, this performance is expected to be a driving force so that people are increasingly divergent in the wealth of this nation. So we hope that this culture, which is one of the identities of this nation, can always be shiny and not restrained by the progress of the times," he explained.

The director of the Sabang Merauke performance, Rusmedi Agus, said that the Sabang Merauke performance was the right vehicle for the community to witness firsthand how much wealth the cultural heritage of the nation's ancestors was.

The Sabang Merauke performance is a slick combination of musicality and choreography that will mix the emotions of the audience, both happy, sad, laughing and proud, has become part of the great and great wealth of Mother Earth. We hope that all who watch this performance can return home proud to have been born in Indonesia," explained Rusmedi.

The excitement of the Sabang Merauke performance did not only occur in the performance arena. Outside the showroom, various cultural parades were also held, such as the procession of the Pintu Cross, typical of Betawi culture, which is a symbolization of Jakarta as the host. Then there are also cultural fairs, painting exhibitions to live painting from Indonesian artists who love to be missed.

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