8 Fastest Cholesterol Lowering Vegetables, Effectively Lowering LDL And Triglycerides
Illustration of cholesterol reduction vegetables (yves_vanwalle totalPixabay)

YOGYAKARTA Vegetables with the fastest cholesterol reduction must be consumed after eating foods that can cause bad cholesterol levels in the body to increase, such as red meat, duck meat, beef liver, fried foods, jeroan, and so on.

As is known, cholesterol is fat produced by the liver and has an important function for the body. However, if the level is too high, it can cause quite serious health problems.

Fastest Cholesterol Lowering Vegetables

Originally, cholesterol could not be dissolved in the blood. Therefore, the liver produces lipoprotein so that cholesterol can be distributed throughout the body. Well, lipoprotein is divided into three types, namely:

When cholesterol levels in the blood exceed normal limits, you should lower them so they don't experience other health problems, such as stroke and heart problems.

Compiled by VOI from various sources, the following vegetables can reduce cholesterol levels quickly, even after consuming cholesterol-causing foods.

Tomatoes are vegetables rich in potassium. In addition, tomatoes are also contained in vitamins A and C, as well as lycopene which can reduce LDL levels in the body.

Similar to tomatoes, French potatoes also have a large amount of potassium. Potassium in potatoes is even better than the one in bananas.

This nutritional intake is very important for the body because it can lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke and other cardiovascular disease.

Based on research on test animals, 10 milliliters of teng juice (ml) can lower levels of LDL and triglycerides.

This result is not surprising, considering that one cup of terong juice contains 2.4 grams of fiber. Terran can lower cholesterol because it can increase fiber intake.

Adding a green vegetable menu, such as spinach to the daily menu, can help lower cholesterol. The reason is, spinach can increase the production of nitric oxide (NO) which will help clean blood vessels and reduce atherosclerosis.

In addition to having a delicious taste, Brokoli can actually function as a lower cholesterol. Not only that, but the nutrients that exist in broccoli are also good for maintaining heart health.

A curly brush or kale is not only suitable as a complementary dish of rice, but can also be processed into the fastest cholesterol depletion juice. The kale contains antioxidants and carotenoids that function to remove free radicals that cause blood vessel hardening. Drinking kale juice regularly can help bile acids bind excess cholesterol and remove it from the body.

Asparagus also includes fast palm cholesterol reduction vegetables. These vegetables can be processed into various types of dishes, ranging from tumisan to hanggate soup.

Consumption of carrots juice is not only good for eye health, but also good for maintaining stable cholesterol levels in the blood.

This is because the carrots contain a high amount of potassium. These compounds help maintain the balance of body fluids, break down and use carbohydrates, and build protein.

Carrot juice can be consumed without any additions or combined with vegetables and fruits to make it taste fresher.

Those are 8 vegetables with the fastest cholesterol reduction. May it be useful!

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