YOGYAKARTA The question of whether eczema can recover or not is often proposed by the public to a dermatologist. To answer this, it would be better for the patient to know the ins and outs of the skin health disorder.

In general, eczema is a health disorder in the outer skin of the human body. Disorders are usually in the form of spots or the appearance of spots on the surface of the skin and can attack any part of the body.

In particular, eczema or dermatitis is a term that refers to the condition of the skin that is inflamed along with rashes, itchy skin, dryness, and even broken. In a more severe eczema attack, it can cause the skin to blister.

Eczema usually appear in the folds of the elbows, folds of the knees, feet, and hands. In that section, it will sometimes feel itchy and unconsciously scratched until abrasions. It will also excise.

Regarding the question of whether eczema can heal, the answer is yes. But it depends on many things. Therefore, first identify the ins and outs of eczema skin disorders.

Types of eczema are divided into two, dry eczema and wet eczema. Although both skin disorders but both have differences.

Quoted from Alodokter, dr. Muhammad Ainul Rohman explained that dry eczema is a skin disorder that is usually characterized by dry, itchy conditions, and the appearance of red rashes. Usually these eczema appear due to allergies, weather conditions, to the use of certain soaps.

While the wet eczema is the presence of a small plaster containing fluid and sometimes itching. The triggers can vary, one of which is allergies.

The eczema that usually occurs in the community is dry eczema. Reporting from Kompas Lifestyle, dr. Arini Astasari Widodo, SpK, a specialist in skin and genitals explains that dry eczema is identical with atopic dermatitis.

It should be noted that eczema is not contagious. However, there are some eczema triggers that should be watched out for by someone who has eczema congenital eczema from his parents, which is as follows.

As mentioned earlier, eczema cannot be cured forever. Patients can only anticipate or relieve eczema symptoms and relieve emerging infections.

Doctors will usually offer ointment or creams that help relieve inflammation. In addition, it can also be by taking drinking drugs such as antihistamine, inhybitoral kalsineurin, and corticosteroids.

Patients can also undergo therapy, namely phototherapy (phototherapy). Later the patient will be treated using UV A and UV B waves.

To prevent eczema, dr. Muhammad Ainul Rohman suggested several things, namely as follows.

In addition to the question of whether eczema can recover, get other interesting information by visiting VOI.ID.

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