Vakum For 2 Years, Devano Anak Iis Dahlia Released The Song 'Happyest Day'
Photo: Doc. Antara/HP Music

JAKARTA - Devano Danendra has again presented a single song entitled "Happy Day" after a two-year hiatus.

The song is very special for the children of dangdut singer Iis Dahlia. Because, "The Happyest Day" was released to coincide with his birthday on Friday, September 23.

Devano said the song "The Happyest Day" had a lot of meaning for him. Apart from being a sign of his return to the music world, Devano wants everyone to feel what happened to him.

"This means about people who have a lot in common but can't be together. I want to sing not only for me but for all of my friends," said Devano in his official broadcast quoted by Antara, Sunday, September 25.

Long time not being in the recording studio, Devano admitted that he was nervous. Luckily he has a mother who is a singer so he has the full support to restore his confidence.

"I like music and have a mother (Iis Dahlia) who often sings, it's like I'm ready again. So nervous until 2 am (record). From the improvement, it's a bit difficult to repeat it. And it was taken at 12 pm," he said.

Under the label HP Music, "The Happyest Day" can be heard on all digital music platforms.

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