YOGYAKARTA - Every couple in a romantic relationship must have the desire to have each other. However, the desire to have excessive is not good or causes negative things. In a romantic relationship, this trait is known as possessive. The characteristics of a possessive person are very easy to know.

The possessive nature of a relationship is included in toxic relationships. possessive attitudes can endanger the continuity of the relationship and mental health of the person involved in a relationship. Characteristics of possessive relationships, such as excessive jealousy, always supervising partners, to threatening.

The most prominent characteristics of possessive people are jealousy. Actually jealousy is a natural thing and a spice in a love relationship, but if it is excessive it can actually be detrimental. A possessive attitude arises because of the fear of losing someone he loves.

possessive attitudes can cause several negative impacts, such as disrupting career development, hampering jobs, spreading fortune, causing hatred, and a series of other bad effects. Although the impact is negative, there are still many people who survive in possessive relationships.

A possessive attitude in a person doesn't actually just arise. There are factors that cause such a person to behave. possessive people usually have excessive anxiety and are attracted to a negative view of themselves. possessive people are usually afraid of being rejected and worried about being left behind by their partners.

possessive people need to be avoided because they can harm themselves or others. Here are some characteristics of possessive people that you need to know so you don't get caught up in toxic relationships.

Often experiencing unstable emotions is a sign of possessive people. possessive people are usually easily angry when they experience an incident that doesn't match their expectations. They are also easily annoyed with those who disagree or according to them are wrong.

At a more extreme level, possessive people sometimes make threats, such as physical violence, verbal warnings, to suicide. possessive people issue threats to fulfill their wishes.

Over Protective

The next characteristic of people who are possessive is to have an overprotective attitude. possessive people usually always control their partner excessively. The attitude he does is not aimed at the good of his partner, but to fulfill his own wishes.

possessive people will control everything their partner does. possessive people will usually determine what is allowed and should not be done by their partner. Such as arranging to be able to be friends with anyone, clothes that can be worn, activities that can be done and so on.

In addition to excessive jealousy, possessive people also have the characteristics of being suspicious. The jealousy of possessive people is different from the jealousy of love in general. Their jealousy is excessive, until they are emotional and the reasons are irrational.

possessive people are also easily suspicious of any action or movements of their partner. Things that people usually do are possessive, such as checking your partner's cell phone, stalking your partner, educating, and so on.

Another characteristic of people who are possessive is that they often underestimate or demean. Having a different view from a partner is a natural thing. Likewise when a partner has other choices in making decisions.

However, possessive people usually do not accept differences of opinion with their partners. He will judge that his partner's choice or opinion is not better than his opinion. Even possessive people will make you feel guilty with your choice. He will try to find fault if you do not accept his opinion.

possessive people tend to oppose and criticize your opinion. He wants to influence you to follow his will. The goal is that he can control every action you do.

Those are the characteristics of possessive people that you must understand so as not to establish relationships with toxic people. Despite being a mental illness, possessive attitudes can be prevented and cured.

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