YOGYAKARTA – Based on scientific studies, most children don't like vegetables because they have a slightly bitter, sour, or complex taste. If you're having a hard time getting your kids to eat vegetables, you're not alone. Many parents have the same anxiety about their child's low appetite for vegetables. This complaint can be overcome in a creative way, what are the tips? Here are things you can try to 'outsmart' your baby to keep eating vegetables.

1. Stay relaxed

Avoid forcing or scolding children if they don't want to eat vegetables. One of the best ways is to take it slow by giving them an understanding of healthy vegetables. In strategizing, you have to be calm without a lot of 'battles'.

2. Processing a menu that children like using vegetables

Most children love sweet corn, but peas are different. The green color of the beans triggers the suspicion of an unpleasant taste in children. So, try serving sweet and delicious cornbread. Can also make a veggie burger with ingredients from vegetables.

cara agar anak lebih banyak makan sayuran
Illustration of how to get children to eat more vegetables (iStockphoto)

3. Serve food more imaginatively

There are many ways to imaginatively serve food. Most need to be avoided, do not serve processed foods for your convenience to persuade children to eat. Create a menu dish that shows all the ingredients. As in the soup looks green broccoli, orange carrots, and pale potatoes. If possible, cut vegetables into cute and appetizing shapes.

4. Do a little research

Carrots have a fresh and attractive color. But with a slightly bitter taste, making children reluctant to eat it. That is, do a little research on how to process vegetables so that the taste is still acceptable to children's tongues. Instead of providing the usual boiled vegetables, you can process them into a creamy soup that is rich in nutritious vegetables.

cara agar anak lebih banyak makan sayuran
Illustration of how to get children to eat more vegetables (iStockphoto)

5. Make the menu more varied

From one type of vegetable, you can process it into more varied dishes. This can be done every week to update the material. Or can process from the same material with a different menu. Don't forget, to find the most appetizing menu.

6. Identify the vegetables and fruits that children like the most

Not only to explore the taste, but also to complement the nutrients that children need during the developmental period. This means, identify the vegetables and fruits that children like. Make it more varied with flavors that can be accepted by their taste buds.

7. Make sure kids have a healthy breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, especially for children who are in a hurry to get to school. So, make sure they eat a healthy diet with lots of fiber. The reason, fiber can keep you full longer until mid-morning or school breaks.

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