YOGYAKARTA – Feeling that your body shape is not ideal is a big problem. Since everyone has their own stature, this needs to be accepted with relief. If you are often insecure with your body image, you don't need to experience the hardest point in choosing clothes. There are tips that you can do to stay abreast of the following fashion and latest fashion trends.

1. Choose the best loose clothes

A good and safe solution for those of you who feel insecure about your body shape, can choose loose-fitting clothes. Bigger clothes are a great way to hide parts of your body that make you feel insecure. This type of clothing also helps divert attention in areas that make you feel insecure and helps you feel more confident.

2. Wear clothes that make you comfortable

Self-comfort can be a major consideration because everyone has their own preferences regarding which model they like to wear the most. With fashion, it's important that you feel completely comfortable because it can instantly feed your confidence. If you like wearing jeans with sneakers, just go with the fashion.

tips memilih baju saat insecure dengan bentuk tubuh
Illustration of tips for choosing clothes when insecure with body image or shape (iStockphoto)

3. Occasionally take risks

Playing safe with fashion, good for anyone who is insecure about their body image. But it's just as good when you're willing to take the occasional risk. If you're starting to like the latest fashion, start by making small changes to your outfit. Like replacing jeans with jeans skirts or replacing sneakers with loafers.

4. Shopping for clothes with a specific purpose

If you are not confident with your feet, try shopping for clothes with a specific purpose for your feet. For example, choose a maxi dress with a small print, black boot cut pants, or dark stockings. This can help you feel more comfortable with a more positive body image.

5. Try online shopping

When shopping at the store, maybe you feel complicated because you have to try on the clothes you choose. If it doesn't fit, then you feel disappointed or can even make you feel inferior. Don't worry, you can use the market place for online fashion shopping. When doing so, enter the exact keywords you need. This will make you feel safe and uncomplicated.

6. Ask colleagues for suggestions

Your partner may have a sense of fashion that can give you the best advice. So when you really don't have an idea about which clothes to wear, ask her for help. They may be able to provide you with useful fashion advice and tips.

7. Stay true to yourself

Almost everyone has felt insecure about body image at some point, and this is completely normal. That is, you are not alone if you ever feel it. So stay true to yourself and trust me, you don't have to prove certain things to anyone else. Just choose the fashion that makes you feel comfortable and stay true to yourself.

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