JAKARTA - Most of our society today still considers that sex education or open discussion between parents and children about sexuality is taboo.

There are many reasons. Parents are reluctant to open up discussions about sexuality for fear of inspiring their children about sex before they are 'ready'. Or, parents may think that talking about sexuality means giving tacit permission to explore sexual behavior.

In fact, according to the National Center for Biotechno- logical Information. Sex education and open communication between parents and children about sex will actually delay sexual activity. As well as the tendency to use contraception more consistently in adulthood.

This is also in line with the findings of Reckitt Benckinser Indonesia (RBI), a consumer goods company for the health, hygiene and home care sectors. Teenagers who do not get these topics, can actually face greater health risks in the future.

The sex education topics that are important for teenagers to know are that having multiple sex partners can cause sexually transmitted diseases. Including HIV/AIDS (48 percent), ways to protect reproductive organs (46 percent), pregnancy and marriage under the age of 20 are vulnerable to various health risks (38 percent), and healthy sex. Including good and healthy use of contraception.

Parents have a very big role in shaping the understanding of adolescents about sex and the development of their sexual identity. Based on the findings of the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy from the United States, teenagers believe that they will more easily delay sexual activity. If they can discuss openly with their parents about sex.

The findings also show that open and honest communication between parents and children will help adolescents to avoid early pregnancy.

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