YOGYAKARTA – Sometimes when the condition of the body drops, the sign is not realized. At that point, you need to identify what's causing it. But when you don't realize what's going on in your body, then try to recognize the signs of some body changes, such as the following.

1. Stomach feels full

Although eating has been a few hours ago, it is not impossible when an unhealthy body feels that the stomach feels full. Stomach bloating and feeling full can be caused by reflux of stomach acid, overeating, and constipation. More serious causes include infection, inflammation, and the effects of taking several daily medications.

2. Sleep snoring

Snoring occurs when air cannot move freely through your mouth and nose while you sleep. This could be due to adenoids, nasal polyps, or even just a stuffy nose. According to Albert Wu, MD., director of the Center for Health Services and Outcomes Research at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, reported by The Health, Wednesday, June 8, snoring can also be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea.

This occurs when the upper airway becomes blocked during sleep. This causes you to stop breathing for a few seconds. Apnea can cause a person to have difficulty concentrating, high blood pressure, and heart problems.

tanda tubuh sedang tidak sehat
Illustration of signs of an unhealthy body (iStockphoto)
3. Always feel tired

A lack of enthusiasm throughout the day can be a normal response to lack of sleep, too much physical activity, stress, or even boredom. But fatigue can also be a sign of health problems. According to Dr. Wu's explanation, this sign can be caused by several things, including anemia, chronic kidney disease, liver disease, thyroid disorders, and rheumatic conditions.

4. Can't sleep

It's hard to sleep even though you're tired, you can't just ignore it. The reason is, chronic insomnia is a common problem that triggers bad things in everyday life. Apart from being caused by a mental condition, explained Wu, this could be a sign of several medical conditions such as an overactive thyroid, GERD, heart disease, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's.

5. Muscle cramps

Some people experience muscle cramps, especially after strenuous exercise. But a review of studies published in 2018 in the Journal of Electromyigraphy and Kinesiology, suggests that exercise-related muscle cramps require medical treatment. Several other conditions that trigger muscle cramps include dehydration, low electrolyte levels, having a nervous breakdown, and hypothyroidism.

That's a sign that is often overlooked and associated with the health of your body. If you experience changes in your body, or your body feels uncomfortable, you can do a medical check-up to find out the cause and how to deal with it appropriately.

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