JAKARTA - Sharon Osbourne recently revealed that she tried to end her life four years ago. At that time, he felt he could not stand it because he was undergoing treatment for 28 years due to mental health problems.

But now, the former X Factor and America's Got Talent judge insists he will never try to commit suicide again. Watching how two rehabilitation patients who are desperate to face the death of their mother is a kind of 'awareness alarm' for the wife of aging rocker Ozzy Osbourne.

"I saw two girls while I was in treatment and their mother committed suicide and they also attempted suicide," Sharon, 68, said, quoted by the Daily Star, Thursday, October 22.

"I thought, 'Oh my God, I can't leave him' (my kids). So I'll never think about doing that again - forever."

Sharon, who exposed her past problems on her show The Talk two weeks ago, admits she was initially shy about telling people or discussing her attempted suicide.

"Recently so many people have committed suicide that I know ... and it's like, 'Come on, we have to talk about it openly here'," he said.

"People look at me and say, 'You're so strong.' Yes, sometimes. But a lot of times, I'm not strong. It's like a bottle of Coca-Cola - you shake me and I'll explode," Sharon concluded.

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