YOGYAKARTA – As cats get older, their behavior will be different. Many people assume that the ratio of one year added in a cat's age is equivalent to seven years in a human's life, right?

The stages of a cat's life will change as they get older. Therefore, if you keep a cat at home, it is important to understand the life stages that your beloved pet goes through at home.

Quoting from The Spruce Pets, Tuesday, May 24, the age ratio of cats to humans is not always one in seven. But more uniquely, the development of a cat's age when converted to human formula, is like a random count in mathematics. When a cat is a month old, the equivalent of a baby's age is a year. Meanwhile, when a cat is 2 years old, it is equivalent to a human age of 24 years.

perbandingan umur kucing dan manusia
Illustration of the comparison of cat and human ages (Unsplash/Tran Mau Tri Tam)

After a kitten leaves its mother at 2-3 months old, it will start to become independent and very curious. They are more active and have the potential to chew things that cats shouldn't eat. So at that age, cat lovers need to pay attention so as not to interfere with their growth.

For months, the cat's growth is very fast. When they are 6 months old, they are comparable to 10 year olds. At this age, it is necessary to carry out a series of vaccinations for kittens. While sterilization is done at this age too.

Kittens become adults after 6 months of age. Kittens who grow up will test boundaries, for example by climbing a lot, scratching, or calling other cats to play. At the age of 1 year of cat, they reach adult size. This means that the habits and behavior of the cat will change. A 2-year-old cat is equivalent to a 24-year-old person. Treatments required at this age include dental cleanings and annual checkups with a veterinarian.

perbandingan umur kucing dan manusia
Cat-human age comparison conversion image (Source: The Spruce Pets)

Well, a five-year-old cat is comparable to a human in their mid-30s. So these were his best years converting as an adult. Once a cat is 7 years old, vets refer to him as a senior. Until the age of about 9-10 years in cats, humans may reach retirement age. When he reaches his teens, he may be referred to as a 'senior citizen'.

At the age of eleven years, the cat may experience joint problems. Organ function begins to age and needs regular monitoring by a veterinarian or owner at home. The nutrients needed are also different, they need more when they are in their teens. The behavior of cats in their teens, they become grumpy. It may be due to experiencing pain, joint discomfort, brain changes, or even confusion.

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