YOGYAKARTA – Keeping kittens, cats, needs to understand how they communicate. That way, you'll know how to reveal more of the situation than you might realize.

A cat's body language can be recognized as a way of communicating. To find out what it means, here's an explanation.

1. Tail straight up

As reported by Reader's Digest, Sunday, May 22, when a cat's tail is straight up and moves like a wave it may be called an aristocratic tail. When the tail is straight up, the cat is conveying happiness, confidence, and a willingness to interact.

2. Move quickly from side to side

When a cat walks across you, swinging its tail from side to side is a sign that something is wrong. According to Natalie Marks, DVM, cat expert, a tail that moves quickly to the right and left means the cat is showing fear and reactivity. Maybe they're being scared or maybe it's triggering aggressive behavior.

3. Move slowly

A slow-moving cat tail indicates a certain focus and intent. The cat may be stalking or catching something you may not see. Not a mystical thing, but they are stalking toys, other small animals, or something else.

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Illustration of how to understand a cat's body language from the meaning of tail movement (Unsplash/Paul Hanaoka)

4. The tail is relaxed

Cats will sleep for 12-16 hours a day. Marks explained, when he saw the tails tucked in their cute faces, it meant they were feeling very comfortable and relaxed.

5. Tail up and curved at the top

The shape of the tail resembles the shape of a question mark marking the green light to play. When your cat moves its tail like this, it's time for you to engage in interactive play with this cute furry pet.

6. The cat arches its tail at you

Marks explained, cats will curl their tails around other people or cats which makes them feel bonded and happy. This behavior, called affiliation and is a strengthening of the bond between humans and animals.

7. Curved down

When a cat's tail is straight and curved downwards, it is telling you or the enemy to back off. The cat's tail is downwards, possibly exhibiting reactive behavior, an aggressive mood, and unwillingness to be disturbed.

8. Tail straight up and fluffy

The cat's soft tail moves you to pet it. But when cats move their tails straight up and puffy, it means they're scared. Maybe there are other animals or cats around him that make him scared and anxious.

9. Wrap the tail around the paws

The tail is a part of the body that also serves to protect itself. Even when cats curl their tails around their paws, Marks says, they show both nervousness and obedience. But when followed by covering the head with the tail and curling up, it can mean fear or pain.

That's how cats speak with tail movements. You need to understand to know their mood, even to protect them from other animals or the pain they are feeling.

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