YOGYAKARTA – Regulating diet with a diet can overcome various health problems. But because there are various kinds of diets, then you need to choose which diet is effective for health. One diet that is useful for lowering cholesterol and blood sugar is the Nordic diet.

The Nordic diet includes a number of natural foods, such as rapeseed oil, fish, vegetables, whole grains, and berries. Research on the Nordic diet has linked it to its benefits in weight loss. But according to Ahealthblog, an analysis of recent research provides different evidence. The Nordic diet does have a positive effect on health regardless of losing weight or not.

Recent studies reveal that this diet has a good effect on cholesterol and blood sugar. Not for weight loss. From urine and blood samples from 200 people aged over 50 years, it was concluded that the Nordic diet can reduce cholesterol levels, decrease levels of unsaturated and saturated fats in the blood, as well as better glucose regulation.

manfaat diet nordic yang efektif menurunkan kolesterol dan gula darah
Illustration of the benefits of the Nordic diet which is effective in lowering cholesterol and blood sugar (iStockphoto)

The participants in the study all had a high BMI and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. They were divided into 2 groups, the first group consumed food based on the Nordic dietary recommendations. The other group ate normal food.

Significantly after 6 months the first group had more controlled blood glucose and cholesterol levels. Health improvements are actually obtained when weight is constant and even recommended not to lose weight.

Researchers explain the reason, that the unique fat composition found in the Nordic diet. They have different fat-soluble substances in the blood. Apparently, these substances are related to unsaturated fatty acids and indicate that this diet is important to do to get health benefits.

Nordic dietary fats come from sunflower seeds, rapeseed, flaxseed, and fish. Although it is not clear why these fats can lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, but with weight held constant, Nordic dietary fats play a role in health.

So, what are the recommended foods from the Nordic diet? Ingredients such as root vegetables, onions, cabbage, beans, peas, and fruits such as berries, pears, plums, and apples. Shellfish, fish, and vegetable oils made from flaxseed, sunflower, and radish are also recommended. Another recommendation is low-fat dairy products and much less meat consumption.

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