JAKARTA - Actress Mieke Wijaya has been buried at the Tanah Kusir TPU, Jakarta on Wednesday, May 4. The funeral process which went smoothly was also accompanied by feelings of emotion from family and relatives.

Nia Zulkarnaen who was present did not stop sobbing. Her husband, Ari Sihasale seemed to embrace beside him.

The cries grew louder as the funeral procession was almost over. When the ground covered Mieke Wijaya's body, Nia cried hysterically without stopping.

The cry was also heard throughout the prayer reading led by an ustaz. He hopes that Mieke Wijaya's spirit is accepted by his side.

Mieke Wijaya passed away on Tuesday, May 3 at 19.30 local time. He is said to have died of diabetes and cancer.

Before he died, Mieke was hospitalized for 45 days.

Mieke Wijaya's body was buried in the same grave as her husband, the late actor Dicky Zulkarnaen. This is the request of the family and the desire of the husband.

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