YOGYAKARTA – What should have been settled, it turns out that not everything can be paid off. Including when you have a plan, but do not have the enthusiasm to carry it out. Motivation is the spirit and 'wind' driving for activities to achieve goals.
According to Nir Eyal, as reported by Psychology Today, Wednesday, April 15, motivation can come and go like the wind. If you're lucky, you can get it from your screen display. But if a little unlucky, plus the mind is not too sharp, then demotivation makes a person not move one bit.
From a biological point of view, Eyal explains that motivation comes from brain-facilitated 'movement'. A study of freshwater found that these creatures can make complex decisions with two brain cells. One cell senses the presence of food and the other cell tells whether it is hungry or not. If hungry, then they will 'move' towards food even though very slowly.
The more complex brain cells in animals, for example, psychologists call have a stimulus to stay away from things that are uncomfortable. For example, bears and birds leave the winter freeze by hibernating in warm caves. It turns out that this is the same thing that happens to humans, when they feel uncomfortable because of the coat, then the impulse to take it off is done.
The feeling of discomfort, turns out to give birth to a power called motivation to encourage someone to take a certain action. Motivation is the desire to escape from discomfort.
If based on evolutionary traces, the human brain is similar to the brain of a snail. We are motivated to recover from discomfort. In fact, desire is its own form of discomfort. This means that when a person feels uncomfortable, he will 'escape' from the discomfort in unhealthy or unproductive ways.
After knowing where motivation comes from, how to manage it so that discomfort does not lead to demotivation but vice versa. Eyal advises, we must realize that discomfort is not always bad. Try to think that discomfort can be fuel to propel us forward.
Well, after realizing the uncomfortable existence, prepare yourself for what will be done after. For example, using a 10-minute start count pattern. Or time that allows you to temporarily postpone productive.
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