YOGYAKARTA – It's a shame if the yard at home is left empty without plants growing. Then you can explore ideas for creating simple landscapes from edible plants.

Edible plants are generally easy to grow. Especially in the open yard. There are also those that do not require special care, only need enough water and are protected from pests. Interested in filling your yard with edible plants? The following is a list of these plants.

1. Peas

The sweetness of these vines is not only edible by humans, but also attractive to insects. To plant peas, you can plant with poles for propagation. The poles can be modified according to the contours of the soil or are decorative.

2. Eggplant

The stems of the eggplant plant are thorny and the leaves are hairy, causing itching to the touch. This is also the reason why mammals do not like to approach eggplant plants. This plant is best grown in the yard, as the fruit is edible.

There are several types of eggplant plants that are recognized by their fruit. Starting from the type of eggplant purple, green, to green speckled.

jenis tanaman edible untuk ditanam di rumah
Illustration of types of edible plants to be grown at home (Unplash/Diane Helentjaris)
3. Onion

You can plant them in a row on the fence line. Leeks are edible plants that are easy to grow and spread. Meanwhile, if you are interested in planting other onion families, onions and garlic, you need to prepare more energy and time for maintenance. But you can always use it along the fence for borders.

4. Herbs

There are various kinds of herbs, such as parsley, basil, and coriander which are included as biennial plants. While the more woody herbs, such as sage, oregano, thyme, lemongrass, rosemary, and lavender can also be used as a list of plants for your yard. Plus mint leaves whose color is refreshing to the eyes.

5. Nuts

Legumes, such as string beans, may attract insects and caterpillars. However, if you plant it, the leaves and fruit can be used for your kitchen menu. Young long bean leaves, delicious for vegetables or serving with peanut sauce.

6. Green vegetables

Green vegetables can be easily grown. If you buy kale, spinach, lettuce, and mustard greens, don't throw away the roots. The reason is, that part can be planted again and produce a decent harvest for one or two servings of food.

From the list of six edible plants above, which one will you plant in your home page? In addition to edible food, you can also plant taller shade plants to build a cool atmosphere.

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