JAKARTA – Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is recognized by symptoms of heartburn, nausea, and flatulence. Acid indigestion is caused by many factors, mainly the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is not functioning properly.

The small valve that lies between the esophagus and stomach works weakened, reported by Hopkins Medicine, Wednesday, March 2. So it is necessary to have the right habits so that GERD does not recur. Here are the habits you need to do every day.

1. Weight control

Body weight affects the pressure on the stomach. The greater the pressure, the more likely the stomach acid to move up the esophagus. Then a balanced weight is medically recommended. Because, this is the single best way to reduce reflux.

2. Avoid trigger foods

Fatty foods, fried foods, soda, garlic, chocolate, peppermint, and acidic vegetables should be avoided by people with GERD. In addition to food, avoid drugs that are relaxing or blood pressure drugs. Drugs with this function can cause GERD.

3. Reduce the portion of food

Instead of eating large portions but once, it is better to eat small portions and more often. Large portions of food expand the stomach so that it can increase the pressure on the LES. The same goes for water, it is recommended to drink small amounts but often rather than several large full glasses.

mencegah gerd kambuh
Illustration of preventing gerd from relapse (Freepik/Denamorado)
4. Avoid lying down after eating

After eating, it is recommended in an upright position. Avoid lying down or bending over because it increases pressure on the stomach and LES. Wait 2-3 hours, then you can lie down without worrying about GERD recurrence.

5. Sleeping without a pillow

Lying without a pillow, or a flat head and shoulder position, can cause the contents of the stomach to be compressed by the LES. Sleeping on your right side is also at risk, triggering stomach pressure and acid reflux up into the esophagus. So, use a pillow so that the position of the head is higher than the stomach. It also helps gravity keep your last meal.

6. Quit smoking and avoid alcohol

Caffeine and nicotine weaken the LES and stimulate the production of stomach acid. Alcohol also increases acid production and can relax the stomach sphincter. Therefore, quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption to control your digestive condition.

7. Wear loose clothes

Belts and pants that are too tight can push food back into the esophagus. So it is advisable to wear loose clothing. In choosing clothes when on the move, wear comfortable clothes without tight pressure on the stomach.

8. Recognize the symptoms of GERD

Not all GERD symptoms are experienced the same for everyone. Identify triggers for GERD and what you can do to prevent them. Recognizing your symptoms, or writing them down so you don't forget them, can help you develop good habits to prevent GERD from recurring.

9. Relax

Stress is one of the triggers for acid reflux. Stress can cause visceral sensations, which trigger overeating. Stress also makes it difficult to sleep. So do some healthy habits to manage stress, such as regular exercise, getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and relaxing activities such as meditation.

10. Consult a doctor

To choose the most appropriate drug according to your condition, you need to consult a doctor. The reason is, drugs to cure GERD need to avoid triggers for other health problems. In addition, an examination of the lining of the esophagus and stomach by a doctor determines whether there is inflammation. The drugs given will also be adjusted to the condition of GERD.

Those are 10 things you need to do to prevent GERD from recurring.

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