JAKARTA – For diabetics, it is important to calculate the portion of food to avoid glucose in the blood from crawling up uncontrollably. In one meal, the amount of carbohydrates, fat, and protein needs to be taken into account. So what about the consumption of fruit that accompanies your meal?

If you are diabetic, you may be worried if you eat fruit, pineapple is one of them. Because pineapple also contains sugar. But is pineapple on the list of abstinence foods for diabetics? Here are the facts about tropical fruit if consumed by diabetics.

1. Pineapple nutrition facts

Reported by The Healthy, Tuesday, February 8, 1 serving of pineapple chunks or about 165 grams contains 74 calories, 1 gram protein, 2 mg sodium, 19.5 grams carbohydrates, 2 grams fiber, 0.412 mg iron, 28 mg vitamin C. , and potassium 206 mg. The carbohydrates in pineapples are lower than bananas but higher than strawberries, apples and grapes.

nanas aman untuk diabetes
Illustration of pineapple safe for diabetes (Pexels/Karolina Grabowska)
2. Facts about the need for fruit consumption for diabetics

A study published in June 2021 in The Journal of Clinical Endocricology & Metabolism found that participants who ate 1.5 servings of fruit per day had a 36 percent lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes than their counterparts who ate less than half a serving. For people with type 1 diabetes, because it is an autoimmune disease, the risk is not related to what is consumed.

The study shows that consuming more fresh fruit can help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. But it should be understood that not all fruits affect blood sugar levels. Not in the same way someone with diabetes is affected by fruit consumption.

3. Guidelines presented by experts

The impact of carbohydrates on the body will vary from person to person based on various factors. That is why, one guideline cannot be used for all diabetics. According to Jill Weisenberger, registered dietitian and nutritionist, the appropriate amount of carbohydrates for a person with diabetes depends on several factors, including target blood sugar levels, medications, and physical activity.

4. Diabetics need healthy eating habits

Healthy eating habits, can help achieve goals. Most people, says Weisenberger, have good habits. On average, they consumed about 45 grams of carbohydrates per meal and zero to 20 grams per moderately active snack.

Diabetics may hesitate to add fruit to their meal plan. Because fruit is a source of carbohydrates and the majority contain natural sugars.

5. Pineapple is safe for diabetes

Raw and fresh pineapple contains fiber, this is beneficial for slowing the conversion of dietary carbohydrates into sugar in the bloodstream. According to Lauren Harris-Pincus, a dietitian nutritionist and author of The Protein Packed Breakfast Club, juices have fiber missing. So he suggests limiting juice consumption.

Harris-Pincus also recommends using a little seasoning, including marinade or salad dressing. Be careful with canned pineapple, as it often contains added sugar. It is recommended to eat fresh fruit cut without pulverizing.

Pineapple is safe for diabetes, because it is rich in nutrients. It also contains bromelain, an enzyme found in the fruit and stems of pineapples. The enzyme has been shown to improve heart health and exhibit anticancer and antidiabetic properties, according to Harris-Pincus.

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