Maura Magnalia's Sister's Last Message Delivered The Body To The Cemetery: She Was Born To Teach Her Parents
Princess Nurul Arifin's funeral

JAKARTA - Apart from Nurul Arifin and Mayong Suryo Laksono, Maura Magnalia's younger brother also feels the loss of his sister's death. In the procession of closing the coffin, Melkior Mirari Manusaktri delivered the last message to his other brother.

"I am Maura's brother, who I usually call Brother. First, I thank everyone who has helped", said Melkior in Cinere, Depok, Wednesday, January 26.

"What I want to say is only one thing. Last night I thought that the first child of a parental couple was not only born to carry out God's duties as human beings. She was born to teach her parents as well", he continued.

Melkior seemed moved to continue the message for the mourners who were present. "My message to everyone here, who is married, will have a family, who has brothers and sisters, take care of the family as well as possible. And always support each other with all my heart", he messaged.

As if heavy and harboring regrets, the son of Nurul Arifin and Mayong emphasized the importance of time.

"We can have everything in this world. One thing we can't have, we can't control is time. Time is above all of us. And remember to always make time for those closest to us", concluded Maura Magnalia's brother.

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