The joint SAR team evacuated a female crew member after the Bukit Raya passenger motorboat (KMP) was burned in Muara Jungkat, West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan).

The victim, on behalf of Tri Nisa Gloria, was then rushed to Antonius Hospital, Pontianak, after previously experiencing shortness of breath.

"In the afternoon, the joint SAR team succeeded in carrying out medical evacuations for the crew of the ship who experienced shortness of breath. The victim was a teenage girl," said Head of the Pontianak SAR Office I Made Junetra in a press release, Friday, April 26, which was confiscated by Antara.

He explained that previously the joint SAR team had carried out medical evacuations and first aid to the victims.

"Before the medical evacuation, the joint SAR team had provided first aid to the shortness of breath experienced by the victim, but after being given assistance, the victim's condition had not fully improved, so it was necessary to get further medical treatment and be taken to Antonius Hospital," he said.

After the victim was successfully evacuated, the joint SAR team continued monitoring of the Bukit Raya KMP until the ship and all passengers docked at Dwikora Port, Pontianak.

"Although the fire was successfully extinguished, the joint SAR team continued to monitor the ship and passengers until they finally docked at Dwikora Port Pontianak at 22.25 WIB," he said.

Previously, it was known that the Bukit Raya KMP route from Surabaya to Pontianak caught fire at the ship's bridge while in the waters of Muara Jungkat on Thursday, April 25, at 14.57 WIB.

The Bukit Raya KMP with a capacity of 1,106 passengers managed to arrive safely at Pontianak Port after previously experiencing a fire on deck six while anchoring waiting for the tidal flow to enter the Kapuas River estuary in Jungkat District, Mempawah Regency, West Kalimantan.

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