JAKARTA – Not a few couples communicate sarcastically when they have different opinions. This happens when they feel that their partner doesn't care what they have to say. However, couples in happy marriages have a way of communicating that doesn't 'shrink' each other.

Happy couples don't build high walls to protect themselves. But they communicate in a positive and healthy way as follows.

1. Open and honest

Healthy relationships, everyone speaks the truth in love. There is no fear to speak honestly about his feelings or thoughts. They, the happy couple, don't always have the same thoughts. But they don't judge 'right' or 'wrong' in every argument but compromise some thoughts in order to make better decisions.

2. Empathize

Couples who have healthy relationships are able to empathize with each other in their communication. They realize that having positive interactions can make each other understand each other. Even when they have different opinions, they can understand each other.

komunikasi pasangan bahagia
Illustration of a happy couple communicating when they have different opinions (Pexels/Yuroslav Shuraev)
3. Speak with your heart

Thoughts do not have to be wrong, but thoughts need to be accompanied by hearts so that the size is right or does not hurt the partner's feelings. This is what happy couples do when they have different arguments or even when they fight. They fight not to blame each other, but to build a more mature perspective.

4. Don't use harsh words

Painful and sarcastic words make the other person feel defeated and put ego first. Healthy communication doesn't hurt each other in the relationship. Positive communication, reported by YourTango, Monday, January 17, allows you to be honest. It also allows everyone to focus their thoughts and feelings on an issue without neglecting others.

5. Listening to each other

Abandonment really doesn't make a relationship comfortable. Moreover, ignoring the words of a partner because they are distracted by television or gadgets. For those of you who want a happy relationship, even if you have different opinions, it's important to listen to each other.

If you and your partner have difficulty listening to each other, try to discuss it with your partner alone. Get rid of everything that distracts, and maintain healthy communication in the conversation. Always stay focused and try not to interrupt.

Those are 5 habits of communicating happy couples. Although differences of opinion occur, differences are healthy for building a better relationship.

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