Know 3 Kinds Of Plant Life Cycle, Did You Know This?
Illustration of the plant life cycle (Unsplash/Markus Spiske)

JAKARTA – In addition to knowing how to care for them, plant lovers also need to know about the life cycle of each plant that is often cared for at home. Based on their life cycle, plants are divided into 3 categories, namely annual plants, perennial plants, and biennial plants.

What is the difference between the different types of plant life cycles? As reported by the Sunday Gardener, Wednesday, January 5, the following is a brief explanation and character.

1. Annual plant

Annual plants have a life cycle starting from germinating, growing, blooming, seeding, and dying in one year. These plants, generally live biennially, they will germinate and grow within one year. Then bloom, seed, or bear fruit, and die the following year.

If you want to buy a new ornamental plant, you need to know the living character of the plant. In one season, this plant will germinate, the next season it will grow, then flower. This means that the flowering season will not last long until it finally dies. Flowers with an annual life cycle, such as marigolds. Other types of plants that have an annual life cycle include mustard greens, watermelon, corn, calendula, and lettuce.

2. Biennial plants

These biennial plants actually have a short life cycle, just like annuals. When you sow seeds in the garden, they will continue to germinate. In the second year, the seedlings become flowers, and the following year. So flowering occurs every two years from the seeds two years ago. Flowers that sow seeds will grow and flower two years later.

Some plants classified as biennials include spinach, carrots, cabbage, radishes, and onions. Poppies and foxglove flowers also include biennial or biennial cycle plants.

3. Perennial plants

Referred to as perennial flowers, or live above 2 to 15 years. Which are perennial plants or perennial plants that have woody or shrubby characters such as lavender, sage, rosemary, and artemisia.

After knowing the types of plants based on the classification of the life cycle, which one is the most suitable to decorate your home? What is clear, the plant life cycle is also influenced by the weather, how to care for, and environmental conditions.

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