JAKARTA - The couple Mayangsari and Bambang Trihatmodjo seem to have disappeared from the public spotlight. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, both of them chose to celebrate the new year at home rather than abroad.

However, they made sure the event was memorable. Mayang also wore the concept of pajamas to celebrate New Year's Eve. Check out the three portraits of Mayangsari and Bambang Trihatmodjo below:


With a variety of food available, Mayang and Bambang gathered in the garden behind the house. Mayang also wrote their New Year's Eve with the concept of a pajama party.


With their floral pajamas, Mayang and Bambang look intimate even in one photo she kisses her husband.

Big family

Not only the three of them, but Mayangsari also invited family and close friends. This togetherness can be seen from several photos that he shares via social media. So much fun!

The Mayangsari and Bambang Trihatmodjo couple once made the public excited when they were found to be in love. Singer Mayangsari was nicknamed pelakor (home wrecker) for causing the marriage of Bambang Trihatmodjo and Halimah Agustina Kamil to fail.

At that time Mayangsari was run over by Bambang's son. However, he chose to remain silent and did not give an explanation. After Bambang and Halimah divorced, Mayangsari then married Bambang until now.

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