JAKARTA - Orchid flowers are one of the pride plants of Indonesia. This type of flower is most often found decorating the yard to the home terrace of plant lovers. Among the many varieties of orchids, there is one that attracts attention, namely the black orchid or Coelogyne Pandurata.

For those of you who are not familiar with black orchids, surely you are curious whether these orchids are really black? For that, let's get acquainted further with the following beautiful and exotic flowers.

Basically, this orchid is not really black. The only black color on this plant is on the labellum or flower tongue. This section is punctuated with green stripes and has thin fur. The petals are light green and the flower diameter reaches 10 cm.

Black orchid flowers have two leaves that look like leaves of young coconut buds. The length of the leaves can reach 40 cm with a width of 10 cm. Bunches of this flora can grow up to 20 cm with the number of flowers reaching 14 buds per bunch. Black orchids usually bloom from March to June. At that time, there was a fragrant and distinctive aroma.

The black orchid is the mascot of East Kalimantan. You can find this plant in Kalimantan, Sumatra, and the Malay Peninsula. However, his presence is now starting to be rare and hard to find. Even so, you can still see them in the Kersik Luway Nature Reserve.

This orchid species, also known as the Luway Kersik orchid, is classified as a sympodial. Black orchids grow in clumps. Each plant will be connected with a living root or rhizome.

New shoots that grow will emerge from the previous plant horizontally and grow upwards. These shoots will enlarge at the stem and form pseudo tubers. Its function is to store water and food reserves.

This orchid can be planted in pots with charcoal and fern growing media. Another alternative is to attach it to a plate fern or logs.

Because it is endangered, black orchids are categorized as rare plants. For this reason, this plant is under legal protection, namely, Law no. 5 of 1990 and Attachment of PP No. 7 of 1999. Everyone is prohibited from taking, cutting, possessing, destroying, destroying, maintaining, transporting, and trading protected plants or their parts alive or dead.

So, when you find a black orchid plant, it is advisable to participate in maintaining its existence by not picking or picking this flower carelessly.

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