JAKARTA – It turns out that not all insects that roam in your home garden interfere with plants. Can be called a beneficial insect. Because these beneficial insects actually eat insect pests. So, don't get rid of it if you find one of its types, okay?

Three advantages of letting these insects live in the yard or garden are, they help pollination, as predators of nuisance insects, and prey on parasites. As reported by the Almanac, Wednesday, November 24, the following types of beneficial insects do not need to be eradicated.

1. Ladybug

Seen from the color and shape that makes annoyance, ladybugs are great predators. While still larvae, ladybugs can eat 40 aphids in an hour. This means that this one insect can help you repel intruders that help ornamental plants not turn yellow leaves from being bitten by aphids.

2. Green net flies or green lacewings

Green lacewings are known as generalist predators, which when larvae look like a combination of a snail and a small alligator. What makes this fully metamorphosed insect profitable, it preys on soft-bodied plant pests including caterpillars and aphids.

3. Praying mantis

The praying mantis is a predator of moths, beetles, and flies. But it should be noted, although it looks fragile with long legs and arms, the praying mantis can eat other beneficial insects such as butterflies and bees.

4. Ground beetle

Ground beetles belong to the Carabidae family which is a group of predatory beetles. They will eat a wide variety of insects including, moths, caterpillars, and nematodes.

5. Hoverflies

Hoverflies or small yellow flies are useful for your garden. They help with pollination and predators that feed on caterpillars and aphids.

The insects above will be attracted to flowering plants such as lavender. You also don't need to use pesticides. Instead of killing the bad bugs, by spraying pesticides, the good bugs will also die.

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