5 Things Every Couple Needs To Do After Making Love
Illustration of what every couple needs to do after making love (Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio)

JAKARTA – In a couple's relationship, especially husband and wife, making love is an important part. Making love is not only measured by the number of orgasms experienced, but how intimate the session in bed.

Making love, generally begins with a foreplay or warm-up session. And falling asleep is often the closing of the session alone without wanting to be disturbed by anything. But it turns out, falling asleep is not a good idea to do after sex.

The moment after sex is an intense time when filled with fun activities. What kind of fun and rewarding activities strengthen relationships? Here's the list.

1. Take a shower

In essence, after making love every couple needs to clean themselves from the flow of sweat. Even if it is possible to take a bath together, it can prolong the sex session.

Shower after sex, reported by Bonobology, Monday, November 8, you and your partner can massage each other and explore sensitive points of the body. After the second session, you still need to clean yourself so that the body is more relaxed and enjoys the adventure of passion together.

2. Pillow talk

Talking after sex is the most intimate moment of exchanging thoughts. If you usually don't like to give compliments, then give them a compliment after this hottest session. Well, in a serious relationship this is the perfect time to indulge in a conversation about your relationship.

You and your partner can share stories about childhood dramas and important issues you want to share with your partner. In fact, the most intimate chats such as sexual fantasies that you want to explore can also be discussed after making love.

3. Drink and eat snacks

Making love is exhausting, so there's nothing wrong with getting enough body fluids after the energy is drained. You and your partner can also snack on healthy foods to recharge your energy. Don't forget to limit the number of calories when enjoying snacks at night.

4. Give a kiss dear

Although the sex session has countless kisses, but closing the session with a kiss will feel very romantic. A kiss after making love is like an acknowledgment that you and your partner are committed to each other.

5. Hug

Before tired and oxytocin brings you and your partner to sleep, take a hugging position can be done. This position also helps to relieve the effects of burning desire as well as feel the warmth in the relationship.

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