JAKARTA - Not everyone is happy when the rainy season arrives. The reason is that rain can be an obstacle for a person to do activities. However, the rain is proof that God still wants to give his favor to the servants on earth and we should be grateful when it rains.

This is stated in the words of Allah in Surat Al Fushshilat verse 39 which means: "And among His signs (is) that you see the earth dry and parched, so when We send down water on it, it is moving and fertile. The Lord Who gives life to the dead is able to give life to the dead. Indeed, He is Able to do all things. "

From this letter, Rasulullah SAW also advised us to practice some prayers when it rains. Hopefully, the rain can be a blessing for all beings on earth.

If you want to know, here is the recitation of the prayer when it rains that the Prophet SAW practiced.

Prayer when it rains

"Allahumma shoyyiban nafi'an"

Which means: "O God, send us rain that is beneficial."

The prayer is a prayer that is taught and even a practice that is exemplified by the Prophet SAW based on the hadith narrated by Aisha RadhiyAllahu 'anha in the hadith of Bukhari number 1032.

Prayer when it rains heavily

“Allahumma haawalaina wa laa‘ alaina. Allahumma 'alal aakami wal jibaali, wazh zhiroobi, wa buthunil awdiyati, wa manaabitisy syajari "

Which means: O God, send rain around us, not to destroy us. O Allah, send rain on the highlands, the mountains, the hills, the valleys and the place where the trees grow.

This prayer is a practice taught by Shaykh Sholih As Sadlan which is recited when we feel the rain falling even heavier and it is feared that it will cause disaster.

Prayers when it rains quickly stopped

“Allahumma haawalaina wa laa‘ alaina. Allahumma 'alal aakami wal jibaali, wazh zhiroobi, wa buthunil awdiyati, wa manaabitisy syajari "

Which means: O God, send rain around us, not to destroy us. O Allah, send rain on the highlands, some hills, valleys, and some lands that grow trees. "(HR Bukhari).

The prayer is a prayer recommended by the Prophet SAW when it rained so hard and long, it was experienced by the Prophet when it rained so hard for several days that it caused many roads to be cut off, and the activities of the ummah were abandoned.

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