JAKARTA - Making love is an important activity for married couples, because it can increase household harmony, physical and mental health. However, there are several things that must be considered when making love, not only when doing it, but also when it's done.

Some things are recommended not to do after making love because it can interfere with harmony with your partner, even damage the reproductive organs. What are these things? Check out the reviews below, quoted from Business Insider, on Tuesday, February 11, 2025.

Urinating after sex is important for reproductive organs, especially for the vagina. Sexual activity can encourage bacteria touretra which can increase the risk of bladder infection or urinary tract.

"Disposing of the bladder after sex is a good idea, because this activity can help bacteria move from back to front, from the anus to the vagina or uretra. By urinating, you can clean the area, thereby reducing the risk of infection," said obgyn Dr

After having sex with a partner, you should avoid playing with your phone right away. This is because the moment after making love is a crucial time to bond more closely with your partner.

After making love, the body will release dopamine and oxytocin, which creates a relationship between the sara system that processes facial, voice, and reward systems. Playing with a cellphone will limit the hormone, which leads to limiting opportunities to enjoy feelings of happiness after sex.

'Presence with your partner enhances your intimate relationship. One of the hormones that are released after sex is called oxytocin, which is the binding hormone,' addedester.

Douching or cleaning the vagina with special tools after intercourse is often considered safe and healthy, to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted infection.

However, experts do not recommend doing this after making love, because it can change the normal flora of the vagina and also increase the risk of urinary tract infection.

"Douching eradicates natural bacterial flora so that the area becomes susceptible to bacterial or fungal infections," concluded fire.

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